Support the marathon runners and women with breast cancer!
Dear friends and supporters! May 15 and the Lattelecom Riga marathon is nearly upon us and our team of 27 will be running/walking the following distances :
6 KM: Diāna Briede, Diāna Legzdiņa, Evita Kalniņa, Linda Lielauza, Marlēna Novika, Santa Jaunbērziņa, Tanya Wienand;
10 KM: Aija Zandberga, Amanda Zemīte, Asta Velyvyte, Craig Paterson, Gabriel Velyvis, Ieva Balode, Ieva Pakalniņa, Joel Weatherill, Karyn Paterson, Laine Cekule, Līga Rialāna, Matīss Rialāns, Matthew Medd, Tony Rialland, Zinta Uskale;
Please support our team by sponsoring EUR 1 or more per km. You can sponsor a specific runner or the team in general. All proceeds will be used to cover the costs of counselling and/or physiotherapy for women in Latvia with breast cancer. Your donation is needed because every week we are helping more and more women and our accounts are quickly dwindling!